Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Thing 6: Digg, Reddit …[et al].

1. How can you use Digg to collect research for your next report or design project?

Using Digg helps find information for specific design projects. It also help you find interesting facts that you won't find anything else! Such as, articles, video and other media things that you may find useful. The best part about Digg is it is easy to use.

2. How can you use Digg to establish your reputation and credibility?

I think that it will save time, and the sources are somewhat credible but there is always room for error.

3. How can you connect your other social media circles to Digg and increase your popularity?

I can post my own stories or ideas. Other people can view and comment on it.

4. Reddit is using Twitter. Discuss what combining the experience means to you in terms of saving your oh so "precious time"?

By using both resources I may save lots of time to find something that I am interested with some credibility.

5. How can you ensure that information on an open source website like Reddit is credible?

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