Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Thing 7: Online Collaboration Tools

Blog Prompts:

Which of these tools is easier for you to use?

Overall, I feel like both Google Doc and Drobox are easy to use. But if I had the option to choose one over the other, I like Dropbox the more. I think it is super convenient to pick a document and just drop it in the box.

How do the features of each compare?
I think that the zoho website its much more complicated whereas Google doc has like 3 steps. -_- I would defitnely stick with the easy way out because I am a lazy individual.

Does one have features that would make you choose it over the other?

Yes, Dropbox. I don't have to search on my computer for the file and upload it. Click and drop is fast and easy to share.

What would the Founding Fathers think of these tools?

Who knows they would be stuck on Twitter.

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